Unigor Multiscript 3

A writing  multimeter

A writing multimeter

Before multimeters could log data into memory they used writing meters. This piece of art is a mix from an Unigor and a writer.  To be honest, that is all I know from this meter. I  gave it some TLC and it works but I do not have more paper.

Here you see the write needle that doubles as analog multimeter

Here you see the write needle that doubles as analog multimeter


More then words, isn't it a thing of beauty ?

More then words, isn’t it a thing of beauty ?

Paper mechanism

Paper mechanism

The switch and front assembly

The switch and front assembly

The writer mechanism and 2 spare fuses

The writer mechanism and 2 spare fuses

The gearbox to set the speed

The gearbox to set the speed

Info on the back, typical for this brand

Info on the back, typical for this brand

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