In rather bad shape, it was played until it stopped. Some burned coils, stuck rotors and very dirty. The playfield has no glass. The doodle bug is missing, instead a motor and blinking light. All rubbers are worn, flippers worn. One popper mechanism missing. And a lot of things more. But it was for Free so I do not complain.

Stripped playfield

Coin mechanism

Cleaned units

Other side units after cleaning

Cleaned score unit

Underside playfield

bottom board

Burned score motor

Dirty stuck coil unit

Stuck dirty ball count unit

Dirty scoremotor

Lock relais

Some relais before cleaning

Fuses before cleaning
And then after all contacts are cleaned, adjusted, flipper rebuild, new solenoids and a lot more it is allmost ready but we can play. The playfield needs some glass and the scorecard/instruction cards mounted (allready made). It is not set for free play but also misses the coin testers so I placed a microswitch under the money return bar. This will actuate one of the coin switches.

Allmost ready, still missing the playfield glass

My son, the pinball wizzard